Repressed Memories (of Sexual Abuse Against Minors) and Statutes of Limitations in Europe: Status Quo and Possible Alternatives


Deferme Driek1ORCID,Otgaar Henry12,Dodier Olivier3,Körner André4,Mangiulli Ivan12,Merckelbach Harald2,Sauerland Melanie2,Panzavolta Michele1,Loftus Elizabeth F.5


1. Faculty of Law and Criminology KU Leuven

2. Department of Education, Psychology, Communication University of Bari Aldo Moro

3. Department of Psychology, Literature, Languages and History Université de Nantes

4. Hochschule für Gesundheit und Medizin Medical School Berlin

5. School of Social Ecology University of California, Irvine


AbstractOne of the most heated debates in psychological science concerns the concept of repressed memory. We discuss how the debate on repressed memories continues to surface in legal settings, sometimes even to suggest avenues of legal reform. In the past years, several European countries have extended or abolished the statute of limitations for the prosecution of sexual crimes. Such statutes force legal actions (e.g., prosecution of sexual abuse) to be applied within a certain period of time. One of the reasons for the changes in statutes of limitations concerns the idea of repressed memory. We argue that from a psychological standpoint, these law reforms can be detrimental, particularly when they are done to endorse unfounded psychological theories. The validity of testimonies is compromised many years after the alleged facts, and abolishing the statute of limitations increases the chance that even more (false) recovered memories of abuse might enter the courtroom. We propose solutions to these changes such as establishing an independent expert committee evaluating claims of sexual abuse.




Artificial Intelligence,Cognitive Neuroscience,Human-Computer Interaction,Linguistics and Language,Experimental and Cognitive Psychology

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