1. Max‐Planck‐Institute for Biogeochemistry Jena Germany
2. Department of Hydrogeology, Institute for Geosciences Friedrich Schiller University Jena Jena Germany
3. Soil Science and Soil Protection Martin Luther University Halle‐Wittenberg Halle (Saale) Germany
4. Department of Soil Biology, Institute of Soil Science and Land Evaluation University of Hohenheim Stuttgart Germany
5. Soil Mineralogy, Institute of Mineralogy Gottfried Wilhelm Leibnitz University Hannover Hannover Germany
6. Institute of Soil Science and Soil Conservation, iFZ Research Center for BioSystems, Land Use and Nutrition Justus Liebig University Giessen Giessen Germany
7. Department of Forest Botany and Tree Physiology Georg August University Göttingen Göttingen Germany
8. Department of Silviculture and Forest Ecology of the Temperate Zones Georg August University Göttingen Göttingen Germany