1. Kinder- und Jugendkrankenhaus AUF DER BULT; Diabetes-Zentrum für Kinder und Judendliche; Hannover Germany
2. The Jesse Z and Sara Lea Shafer Institute for Endocrinology and Diabetes, National Center for Childhood Diabetes; Schneider Children's Medical Center of Israel; Petah Tikva Israel
3. Department of Pediatric Endocrinology; Stanford University; Stanford California
4. Department of Children's Diabetology; SMK Medical University of Silesia; Katowice Poland
5. Department of Endocrinology; DiaCare - Advance Diabetes Care Center; Ahmedabad India
6. Department of Pediatrics; Nihon University School of Medicine; Tokyo Japan
7. Department Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolic Diseases; University Children's Hospital Ljubljana, and Faculty of Medicine, University of Ljubljana; Ljubljana Slovenia
8. Department of Pediatrics, NU Hospital Group; Uddevalla, Sahlgrenska Academy, Gothenburg University; Gothenburg Sweden
9. Institute of Maternal and Child Research (IDMI); School of Medicine, University de Chile; Santiago Chile