1. School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences; University of Birmingham; Birmingham B15 2TT UK
2. Department of Geology; The University Centre in Svalbard (UNIS); N-9171 Longyearbyen Norway
3. Department of Geology and Geophysics; Louisiana State University; E235 Howe-Russell Complex Baton Rouge LA 70803 USA
4. School of Geography and Geosciences; University of St Andrews; St Andrews KY16 8YA UK
5. Institut für Geologie; Leopold-Franzens-Universität Innsbruck; Innrain 52 A-6020 Innsbruck Austria
6. Department of Earth & Planetary Sciences/Geotop; University St. Montreal; St. Montreal Quebec Canada H3A 0E8
7. Department of Geography and Earth Sciences; Aberystwyth University; Aberystwyth Ceredigion SY23 3DB UK
8. Department of Chemistry; University of Waikato; Private Bag 3105 Hamilton 3240 New Zealand
9. Lancaster Environment Centre; University of Lancaster; Lancaster LA1 4YQ UK