The role of NMDA receptors in bipolar disorder: A systematic review


Weiss Francesco1ORCID,Caruso Valerio1,De Rosa Ugo1,Beatino Maria Francesca1,Barbuti Margherita1ORCID,Nicoletti Ferdinando23,Perugi Giulio1ORCID


1. Psychiatry 2 Unit, Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine University Hospital of Pisa Pisa Italy

2. Department of Physiology and Pharmacology University Sapienza of Rome Rome Italy

3. IRCCS Neuromed Pozzilli Italy


AbstractObjectivesGlutamatergic transmission and N‐methyl‐D‐aspartate receptors (NMDARs) have been implicated in the pathophysiology schizophrenic spectrum and major depressive disorders. Less is known about the role of NMDARs in bipolar disorder (BD). The present systematic review aimed to investigate the role of NMDARs in BD, along with its possible neurobiological and clinical implications.MethodsWe performed a computerized literature research on PubMed in accordance with the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta‐Analyses (PRISMA) statement, using the following string: ((“Bipolar Disorder”[Mesh]) OR (manic‐depressive disorder[Mesh]) OR (“BD”) OR (“MDD”)) AND ((NMDA [Mesh]) OR (N‐methyl‐D‐aspartate) OR (NMDAR[Mesh]) OR (N‐methyl‐D‐aspartate receptor)).ResultsGenetic studies yield conflicting results, and the most studied candidate for an association with BD is the GRIN2B gene. Postmortem expression studies (in situ hybridization and autoradiographic and immunological studies) are also contradictory but suggest a reduced activity of NMDARs in the prefrontal, superior temporal cortex, anterior cingulate cortex, and hippocampus.ConclusionsGlutamatergic transmission and NMDARs do not appear to be primarily involved in the pathophysiology of BD, but they might be linked to the severity and chronicity of the disorder. Disease progression could be associated with a long phase of enhanced glutamatergic transmission, with ensuing excitotoxicity and neuronal damage, resulting into a reduced density of functional NMDARs.




Biological Psychiatry,Psychiatry and Mental health

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