1. Dipartimento di Agricoltura, Alimentazione e Ambiente (Di3A) Università degli Studi di Catania Via Valdisavoia 5 95123 Catania Italy
2. Consorzio per la Ricerca nel settore della Filiera Lattiero‐Casearia e dell'agroalimentare (CoRFiLaC) 97100 Ragusa Italy
The present work aimed at a preliminary characterisation of the Hyblean Ricotta cheese manufactured from semi‐extensive dairies in Sicily. A survey on the detection of technological parameters during the production process, as well as the chemical and sensory analysis of raw material and the products, were performed to compare the effect of two different seasons linked with changes in the feeding system (pasture vs indoor). Results indicate that the Ricotta from pasture season showed a significantly higher fat, total solids and protein content and a higher yellow‐colour appearance, bitter taste, vegetable odour and aroma compared to the indoor season samples.
Assessore Regionale dell'agricoltura, dello Sviluppo Rurale e della Pesca Mediterranea, Regione Siciliana