1. Applebee, A. N., Langer, J. A., Mullis, I. V. S. (1986), The Writing Report Card: Writing Achievement in American Schools, Princeton , NJ : The National Assessment of Educational Progress.
2. Bakhtin, M. M. (1981), The Dialogic Imagination, Edited by M. Holquist, Translated by C. Emerson and M. Holquist, Austin, TX: University of Texas Press.
3. Britton, James; Burgess, Tony; Martin. Nancy; McCleod, Alex and Rosen, Harold (1975), The Development of Writing Abilities (11–18), London : Macmillan Educational.
4. Conry, R. and Rodgers, D. (1978), B.C. Assessment of Written Expression: Summary Report, Vancouver , B.C. : Ministry of Education.
5. Dixon, John and Stratta, Leslie (1986), ‘Argument and the teaching of English: A critical analysis.’ In A. Wilkinson (ed.), The Writing of Writing, Milton Keynes : Open University Press.