1. Department of Pathology and Parasitology University of Veterinary Sciences Brno Brno Czech Republic
2. CEITEC‐Central European Institute of Technology University of Veterinary Sciences Brno Brno Czech Republic
3. Biology Centre Institute of Parasitology Czech Academy of Sciences České Budějovice Czech Republic
4. Department of Botany and Zoology Faculty of Science Masaryk University Brno Czech Republic
5. Department of Veterinary Sciences/CINeZ Faculty of Agrobiology, Food and Natural Resources Czech University of Life Sciences Prague Prague Czech Republic
6. Laboratory for Zoonoses and Environmental Microbiology National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) Bilthoven The Netherlands
7. Department of Ecology & Diseases of Zoo Animals, Game, Fish and Bees University of Veterinary Sciences Brno Brno Czech Republic
8. Biomedical Center Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen Charles University Plzeň Czech Republic