1. Abaza M.(2021 January 9).Al‐Sisi tafaqaduh…"Mustaqbal Miṣr" yuḥaqiq al‐amn al‐ġiḏāʾī wa qīma muḍāfa lil‐iqtiṣād[ِAl‐Sisi has surveyed… "Egypt's Future" achieves food security and an added value to the economy]. El Watan News. Retrieved fromhttps://www.elwatannews.com/news/details/5211807?t=push
2. Abdel Haseeb A.(2021 January 14).Niqābāt al‐falāḥīn.. ḍaǧīǧ bi‐lā ṭaḥīn wa maṭālib bi‐kayān qawī yuḥaqiq maṭālib al‐muzāriʿīn [The farmers' syndicates are all bark and no bite amidst calls for a strong entity that can achieve farmers' demands]. Al‐Ahram. Retrieved fromhttps://gate.ahram.org.eg/News/2559185.aspx
3. Policing neoliberalism in Egypt: the continuing rise of the ‘securocratic’ state