1. Department of Pulmonary MedicineTurgut Ozal Research Center, Inonu University Malatya Turkey
2. Department of Pulmonary MedicineKatip Celebi University Ataturk Training and Research Hospital Izmir Turkey
3. Department of Pulmonary MedicineBalikesir University Balikesir Turkey
4. Department of Pulmonary MedicineHitit University Corum Turkey
5. Department of Pulmonary MedicineUfuk University Ankara Turkey
6. Department of Pulmonary MedicineErzurum Training and Research Hospital Erzurum Turkey
7. Department of Pulmonary MedicineKonya Training and Research Hospital Konya Turkey
8. Department of Pulmonary MedicineSutcu Imam University K. Maras Turkey
9. Department of Pulmonary MedicineGazi University Ankara Turkey
10. Department of Pulmonary MedicineDokuz Eylul University Izmir Turkey
11. Department of Pulmonary MedicineNamik Kemal University Tekirdag Turkey
12. Department of Pulmonary MedicineBeypazari State Hospital Ankara Turkey
13. Department of Pulmonary MedicineDidim State Hospital Mugla Turkey
14. Department of Pulmonary MedicineAcibadem Hospital Kayseri Turkey
15. Derince Training and Research Hospital Kocaeli Turkey
16. Department of Pulmonary MedicineBulent Ecevit University Zonguldak Turkey
17. Department of Pulmonary MedicineGATA Training and Research Hospital Istanbul
18. Department of Pulmonary MedicineMenemen State Hospital Izmir Turkey
19. Department of Pulmonary MedicineGazi Osman Pasa University Tokat Turkey
20. Department of Pulmonary MedicineYedikule Training and Research Hospital Istanbul Turkey
21. Department of Pulmonary MedicineBaskent University Alanya Turkey
22. Department of Pulmonary MedicineBaskent University Konya Turkey
23. Department of Pulmonary MedicineDiyarbakir State Hospital Diyarbakir Turkey
24. Egepol Hospital Izmir Turkey
25. Department of Pulmonary MedicineSaglik Bilimleri University Istanbul Turkey
26. Department of Pulmonary Medicine18 Mart University Canakkale Turkey
27. Department of Pulmonary MedicineSelcuk University Konya Turkey