1. Department of Dermatology University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia PA USA
2. Harvard Medical School Massachusetts General Hospital Boston MA USA
3. Department of Dermatology Las Vegas School of Medicine University of Nevada Las Vegas NV USA
4. Medical Practice Evaluation Center Mongan Institute Massachusetts General Hospital Boston MA USA
5. The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center Dallas TX USA
6. Innovative Dermatology Plano TX USA
7. Department of Dermatology University Hospital Munich University of Ludwig Maximilian Munich Germany
8. Dr. Philip Frost, Department of Dermatology and Cutaneous Surgery University of Miami Miller School of Medicine Miami FL USA
9. Department of Dermatology Henry Ford Health System Detroit MI USA
10. Department of Dermatology and Dermatologic Surgery Medical University of SC Charleston SC USA
11. Department of Dermatology St. Louis University St. Louis MO USA
12. Department of Dermatology University of California San Francisco San Francisco CA USA
13. Las Vegas Dermatology Las Vegas NV USA