Neuropsychological testing of cognitive impairment in euthymic bipolar disorder: an individual patient data meta-analysis


Bourne C.,Aydemir Ö.1,Balanzá-Martínez V.2,Bora E.3,Brissos S.,Cavanagh J. T. O.4,Clark L.5,Cubukcuoglu Z.6,Dias V. V.7,Dittmann S.8,Ferrier I. N.9,Fleck D. E.10,Frangou S.11,Gallagher P.9,Jones L.12,Kieseppä T.,Martínez-Aran A.13,Melle I.,Moore P. B.9,Mur M.14,Pfennig A.15,Raust A.16,Senturk V.17,Simonsen C.,Smith D. J.18,Bio D. S.19,Soeiro-de-Souza M. G.19,Stoddart S. D. R.12,Sundet K.,Szöke A.,Thompson J. M.9,Torrent C.13,Zalla T.20,Craddock N.18,Andreassen O. A.,Leboyer M.,Vieta E.13,Bauer M.15,Worhunsky P. D.21,Tzagarakis C.21,Rogers R. D.21,Geddes J. R.21,Goodwin G. M.21


1. Department of Psychiatry; Celal Bayar University; Manisa; Turkey

2. Service of Psychiatry; University Hospital Doctor Peset; University of Valencia; CIBERSAM; Valencia; Spain

3. Department of Psychiatry; University of Melbourne; Melbourne; Vic.; Australia

4. Department of Psychological Medicine; University of Glasgow; Glasgow; UK

5. Department of Psychology; University of Cambridge; Cambridge; UK

6. Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry; LVR-Kliniken Bedburg-Hau; Bedburg-Hau; Germany

7. Bipolar Disorder Research Program; Faculty of Medicine, Hospital Santa Maria; University of Lisbon (FMUL); Lisbon; Portugal

8. Department of Psychiatry; Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität; Munich; Germany

9. Institute of Neuroscience; Newcastle University; Newcastle upon Tyne; UK

10. Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Neuroscience; University of Cincinnati Academic Health Center; Cincinnati; OH; USA

11. Mount Sinai School of Medicine; NY; USA

12. Department of Psychiatry; School of Clinical & Experimental Medicine; University of Birmingham; Birmingham; UK

13. Institute of Neurosciences; Hospital Clinic; University of Barcelona; IDIBAPS; CIBERSAM; Barcelona; Catalonia; Spain

14. Psychiatry Service; Santa Maria Hospital; University of Lleida; IRBLleida; Lleida; Spain

15. Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy; University Hospital Carl Gustav Carus; Technische Universität Dresden; Dresden; Germany

16. AP-HP; Service de psychiatrie; Hôpital H. Mondor - A. Chenevier; Créteil; France

17. Department of Psychiatry; Ankara University School of Medicine; Ankara; Turkey

18. Department of Psychological Medicine and Neurology; Cardiff University School of Medicine; Cardiff; UK

19. Mood Disorders Unit (GRUDA); School of Medicine; University of Sao Paulo (HC-FMUSP); Sao Paulo; Brazil

20. Institut Jean Nicod? CNRS; Ecole Normale Supérieure; Paris; France

21. Department of Psychiatry; University of Oxford; Oxford; UK




Psychiatry and Mental health







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