Hybridization in late stages of speciation: Strong but incomplete genome‐wide reproductive isolation and ‘large Z‐effect’ in a moving hybrid zone


Caeiro‐Dias Guilherme123ORCID,Brelsford Alan45ORCID,Meneses‐Ribeiro Mariana126ORCID,Crochet Pierre‐André3ORCID,Pinho Catarina16ORCID


1. CIBIO, Centro de Investigação em Biodiversidade e Recursos Genéticos, InBIO Laboratório Associado Universidade do Porto Vairão Portugal

2. Departamento de Biologia, Faculdade de Ciências Universidade do Porto Porto Portugal

3. CEFE, CNRS, Univ Montpellier, EPHE, IRD Montpellier France

4. Department of Ecology and Evolution University of Lausanne Lausanne Switzerland

5. Biology Department University of California Riverside Riverside California USA

6. BIOPOLIS Program in Genomics, Biodiversity and Land Planning, CIBIO Vairão Portugal


AbstractIn organisms reproducing sexually, speciation occurs when increasing divergence results in pre‐ or post‐zygotic reproductive isolation between lineages. Studies focusing on reproductive isolation origin in early stages of speciation are common and many rely on genomic scans to infer introgression providing limited information on the genomic architecture of reproductive isolation long‐term maintenance. This study analyses a natural hybrid zone between two species in a late stage of speciation. We used ddRADseq genotyping in the contact betweenPodarcis bocageiandP. carbonellito examine admixture extent, analyse hybrid zone stability and assess genome‐wide variation in selection against introgression. We confirmed strong but incomplete reproductive isolation in a bimodal hybrid zone. New findings revealed population genetic structure withinP. carbonelliin the contact zone; geographical and genomic clines analysis suggested strong selection against gene flow, but a relatively small proportion of the loci can introgress, mostly within the narrow contact zone. However, geographical clines revealed that a few introgressed loci show signs of potential positive selection, particularly intoP. bocagei. Geographical clines also detected a signal of hybrid zone movement towardsP. bocageidistribution. Genomic cline analysis revealed heterogeneous patterns of introgression among loci within the syntopy zone, but the majority maintain a strong association with the genomic background of origin. However, incongruences between both cline approaches were found, potentially driven by confounding effects on genomic clines. Last, an important role of the Z chromosome in reproductive isolation is suggested. Importantly, overall patterns of restricted introgression seem to result from numerous strong intrinsic barriers across the genome.


Agence Nationale de la Recherche




Genetics,Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics

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