1. Division of Cardiology Department of Internal Medicine Seoul National University Hospital Seoul National University College of Medicine Seoul Korea
2. Division of Cardiology Department of Internal Medicine Boramae Medical Center Seoul National University College of Medicine Seoul Korea
3. Division of Cardiology Department of Internal Medicine Gangnam Severance Hospital Yonsei University College of Medicine Seoul Korea
4. Department of Internal Medicine Medical College Korea University Seoul Korea
5. Division of Cardiology Department of Cardiovascular Center Korea University Anam Hospital Seoul Korea
6. Division of Cardiology Department of Cardiovascular Center Gyeongsang National University Hospital Jinju Korea
7. Cardiovascular Department of Internal Medicine Kyung Hee University Hospital Seoul Korea
8. Division of Cardiology Department of Internal Medicine Dongsan Hospital Keimyung University Gyeongju Korea
9. Cardiovascular Center Dongguk University Ilsan Hospital Goyang Korea
10. Department of Internal Medicine Cardiology Division Dong‐A University Hospital Busan Korea
11. Pusan National University Hospital Busan Korea
12. Division of Cardiology Severance Cardiovascular Hospital Yonsei University College of Medicine Seoul Korea
13. Department of Cardiology Heart Center Chonnam National University Hospital Gwangju Korea
14. Division of Cardiology Department of Internal Medicine Kangnam Sacred Heart Hospital Hallym University College of Medicine Seoul Korea
15. Department of Cardiovascular Uijeongbu, Mary's Hospital The Catholic University of Korea Seoul Korea
16. Division of Cardiology Department of Internal Medicine NHIC Ilsan Hospital Goyang Korea
17. Kangdong Sacred Heart Hospital College of Medicine Hallym University Seoul Korea
18. Cardiology Division St. Vincent's Hospital The Catholic University of Korea Suwon Korea
19. Cardiovascular Center Seoul National University Bundang Hospital Seongnam Korea