1. Department of Ecology and Genetics, Animal Ecology Evolutionary Biology Centre Uppsala University Norbyvägen 18D752 36Uppsala Sweden
2. Swedish Species Information Centre Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences Box 7007 UppsalaSE‐750 07Sweden
3. Key Laboratory of Zoological Systematics and Evolution Institute of Zoology Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing100101China
4. Department of Integrative Biology and MSU Museum Michigan State University East Lansing MI48864USA
5. Bird Group The Natural History Museum at TringThe Natural History Museum Akeman Street TringHP23 6APUK
6. Department of Bioinformatics and Genetics Swedish Museum of Natural History P.O. Box 50007SE‐104 05Stockholm Sweden
7. Naturalis Biodiversity Center Darwinweg 42333 CRLeiden The Netherlands
8. Researchers for Wildlife ConservationF‐21, National Centre for Biological SciencesGKVK Bellary Road Bengaluru Karnataka560065India
9. Department of Biology Faculty of Science Mahidol University Rama 6 Road Bangkok10400Thailand
10. High‐Altitude Experimental StationEndemic Species Research InstituteCOA Chi‐chi Taiwan, China
11. Institute of Ecology and Biological Resources Graduate University of Science and TechnologyVietnam Academy of Science and Technology 18 Hoang Quoc Viet Cao Giay, Hanoi Vietnam
12. Systematics and Biodiversity Department of Biology and Environmental Sciences University of Gothenburg Box 463 GothenburgSE‐405 30Sweden