A comparative study of English in advertising in France and Quebec


Martin Elizabeth1


1. Department of World Languages and Literatures California State University San Bernardino USA


AbstractThis study seeks to expand our understanding of code‐mixed advertising by comparing the use of English aimed at Francophone consumers in the Expanding Circle and the Inner Circle. Focusing on France and the Canadian province of Quebec, this analysis illustrates how marketing strategies differ across regional and national boundaries while highlighting the shift of English from a foreign to an additional language of use in Europe. Frenglish slogans observed in both contexts indicate that those who design advertising copy for France rely on a much wider gamut of English words and expressions to market products to local consumers. Furthermore, these findings demonstrate how the degree of adherence to language policy is closely linked to language attitudes and other socio‐cultural variables. Although both Quebec and France have a long‐standing tradition of language planning in favor of French, advertising practices differ quite significantly due to their respective socio‐historical and communicative contexts.




Linguistics and Language,Sociology and Political Science,Anthropology,Language and Linguistics

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