1. 1World Health Organization (WHO), Geneva. Global prevalence and incidence of selected curable sexually transmitted infections: overview and estimates. WHO/HIV_AIDS/2001.02, WHO/CDS/CSR/EDC/2001.10.
2. 2Family Planning Association of Russia. Abortions in Russia (1992-2000), Family Planning Association of Russia 2002. Available at: http://www.family-planning.ru/?P=3&T=24.
3. 3EpiNorth. EpiNorthData. In: A Co-operation Project for Communicable Disease Control in Northern Europe 2006. Available at: http://www.epinorth.org.
4. 4Saint Petersburg. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Available at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saint_Petersburg.
5. 5Health Ministry of Russian Federation (HMRF). Order of HMRF from 12.08.2003, No 403. ‘Regarding approval and introduction of reporting form N0 089/y-kb and reporting of new detected cases of syphilis, gonorrhoea, trichomoniasis, chlamydia, urogenital herpes, anogenital warts, microsporia, favus, trichophytia, feet mycosis and scabies’ (Prikaz MZRF, 12 08 2003, Nr 403; In Russian).