Principles of environmentally‐sustainable anaesthesia: a global consensus statement from the World Federation of Societies of Anaesthesiologists


White S. M.1,Shelton C. L.23,Gelb A. W.4,Lawson C.5,McGain F.67,Muret J.8,Sherman J. D.9,McGain F.,Muret J.,Lawson C.,Shelton C.,White S.,Gelb A.,Sherman J.,Mejeni N.,Gathuya Z.,Ngumi Z.,Onajin‐Obembe B.,Farina Z.,Jendoubi M.,Tumukunde J.,Mansor M..,Peng Z.,Yang L.,Irwin M.,Kumar N.,Malhotra N.,Yamaura K.,Neupane S.,Kim J. H.,Kayak E.,Story D.,Biribo K.,Karu A.,Burrell R.,Pecher S.,Malisiova A.,Drenger B.,Brazzi L.,Fernandes T.,Jovanovic G.,Bentzer P.,Allen C.,Montgomery H.,Pierce T.,Shinde S.,Ozelsel T.,Chesebro B.,McClain C..,Sondekoppam R.,Simoes C.,Nilo Schultz C.,


1. Department of Anaesthesia University Hospitals Sussex NHS Foundation Trust Brighton UK

2. Department of Anaesthesia Wythenshawe Hospital Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust Manchester UK

3. Lancaster Medical School Faculty of Health and Medicine Lancaster University Lancaster UK

4. Department of Anesthesia and Peri‐operative Care University of California San Francisco San Francisco CA USA

5. Royal Victoria Infirmary Newcastle upon Tyne UK

6. Departments of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Western Health Melbourne Vic. Australia

7. Department of Critical Care University of Melbourne Melbourne Vic. Australia

8. Departments of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Institut Curie PSL Research University Paris France

9. Yale School of Medicine and Associate Professor of Epidemiology in Environmental Health Sciences Yale School of Public Health New Haven CT USA




Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine

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