1. Department of Oral Health Promotion Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences Tokyo Medical and Dental University Tokyo Japan
2. Faculty of Odonto‐Stomatology Hue University of Medicine and Pharmacy Hue University Vietnam
3. Section of Preventive and Public Health Dentistry Division of Oral Health, Growth and Development Kyushu University Faculty of Dental Science Fukuoka Japan
4. 8020 Promotion Foundation Tokyo Japan
5. Department of Preventive Dentistry and Dental Public Health School of Dentistry Aichi Gakuin University Nagoya Japan
6. National Institute of Public Health Saitama Japan
7. Meirin College Niigata Japan
8. Department of Dentistry Osaka Dental University Osaka Japan
9. Fukai Institute of Health Science Saitama Japan
10. Division for Regional Community Development Liaison Center for Innovative Dentistry Graduate School of Dentistry Tohoku University Sendai Japan