Parents know it best: Prediction of asthma and lung function by parental perception of early wheezing episodes


Brick Tabea1ORCID,Hose Alexander1,Wawretzka Katharina1,Mutius Erika123,Roduit Caroline45,Lauener Roger45,Riedler Josef6,Karvonen Anne M.7,Pekkanen Juha78,Divaret‐Chauveau Amandine91011,Dalphin Jean‐Charles912,Ege Markus J.13ORCID,Roponen Marjut,Hirvonen Maija Riitta,Hyvärinen Anne,Kirjavainen Pirkka V.,Tittanen Pekka,Remes Sami,Dalphin Marie‐Laure,Illi Sabina,Schaub Bianca,Genuneit Jon,Frei Remo,Doekes Gert,Frey Urs,Fuchs Oliver,Kabesch Michael,Sven Michel,Tost Jörg,Renz Harald,Schmaußer‐Hechfellner Elisabeth,


1. Dr von Hauner Children’s Hospital Ludwig Maximilians University of Munich Munich Germany

2. Institute for Asthma and Allergy Prevention Helmholtz Zentrum Muenchen ‐ German Research Center for Environmental Health Munich Germany

3. Member of the German Center for Lung Research Comprehensive Pneumology Center Munich (CPC‐M) Munich Germany

4. Christine Kühne Center for Allergy Research and Education Davos Switzerland

5. Children’s Hospital of Eastern Switzerland St Gallen Switzerland

6. Children’s Hospital Schwarzach Schwarzach Austria

7. Department of Public Health University of Helsinki Helsinki Finland

8. Department of Health Security National Institute for Health and Welfare Kuopio Finland

9. UMR/CNRS 6249 Chrono‐Environment University of Bourgogne Franche Comté Besanҫon France

10. Pediatric Allergy Department University Hospital of Nancy Nancy France

11. EA3450 DevAH‐Department of Physiology Faculty of Medicine University of Lorraine Nancy France

12. Department of Respiratory Disease University Hospital of Besanҫon Besanҫon France


European Commission

Deutsche Zentrum für Lungenforschung




Immunology,Immunology and Allergy,Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health

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