1. Department of Biological Sciences Dankook University Cheonan South Korea
AbstractFine structural characteristics of the cardiac muscle and its sarcomere organization in the black widow spider, Latrodectus mactans were examined using transmission electron microscopy. The arrangement of cardiac muscle fibers was quite similar to that of skeletal muscle fibers, but they branched off at the ends and formed multiple connections with adjacent cells. Each cell contained multiple myofibrils and an extensive dyadic sarcotubular system consisting of sarcoplasmic reticulum and T‐tubules. Thin and thick myofilaments were highly organized in regular repetitive arrays and formed contractile sarcomeres. Each repeating band unit of the sarcomere had three apparent striations, but the H‐zone and M‐lines were not prominent. Myofilaments were arranged into distinct sarcomeres defined by adjacent Z‐lines with relatively short lengths of 2.0 μm to 3.3 μm. Cross sections of the A‐band showed hexagon‐like arrangement of thick filaments, but the orbit of thin filaments around each thick filament was different from that seen in other vertebrates. Although each thick filament was surrounded by 12 thin filaments, the filament ratio of thin and thick myofilaments varied from 3:1 to 5:1 because thin filaments were shared by adjacent thick filaments.
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