Laurie in Paris. Diffusion, discussion and influences of Lauren Edelman's work in France


Pélisse Jérôme


As someone who was privileged to call Laurie B. Edelman a mentor and also a friend, I write this short essay to highlight the international diffusion of her research and in particular, the important legacy she has left to French scholarship on law and society. Laurie certainly preferred Italy, Bellagio, and Lake Como notably, but she did not hate Paris either, and she traveled here several times for academic events. Beyond this, however, her work has been very influential for many young French researchers in recent years. As an actor facilitating the diffusion and discussion of Laurie's work in France, I want to pay tribute to her by describing how the legal endogeneity theory that she gradually forged based mostly on her work in employment discrimination law has been understood by French sociologists, institutionalist economists and political scientists over the last 20 years. In the remainder of this essay, I first point to some milestones in the attention to and diffusion of her work in France. These include theses, invitations to colloquia, and the publication of books and special issues of journals. Second, I evoke various publications and how they have been further mobilized in French law and society scholarship. Third, I point to two main avenues of thought that have been opened up so far.


Cambridge University Press (CUP)


Law,Sociology and Political Science

Reference27 articles.

1. Chappe, V. A. . 2013. “L'égalité en procès: sociologie politique du recours au droit contre les discriminations au travail. Thesis in Sociology, ENS Cachan”.

2. Chapitre 15. Droit et entreprises

3. Dismantling Managerial Values: When Law’s Ambiguity Meets Organizational Complexity

4. Bonnano, A. . 2023. “Des guichets aux contrôles. L'inspection du travail et ses publics dans la mise en conformité au droit. Thesis in Sociology, ENS Lyon, CSO-Triangle, p. 641”.

5. Pélisse, J . 2014. “Le travail du droit. Trois études sur la légalité ordinaire. Mémoire original d'HDR, IEP de Paris”.







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