1. Universidade Federal de São Carlos Campus de Sorocaba Brazil
2. Universidade Federal de São Carlos Campus Lagoa do Sino Buri Brazil
3. Suzano S. A, Itapetininga Itapetininga Brazil
4. Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo Campus de Alegre Brazil
AbstractBacterial wilt (caused by Ralstonia spp.) is one of the most damaging diseases of Eucalyptus species, and is responsible for substantial losses to producers. For efficient, scientifically‐based management of this disease, it is necessary to understand the various factors involved in its development, including greater knowledge of the epidemiology of the pathogen on Eucalyptus spp. This study aimed to determine the spatialtemporal dynamics of bacterial wilt in Eucalyptus under natural infection conditions. An experiment was conducted in a commercial plantation in the municipality of Itinga, state of Maranhão, Brazil, using the clone FGCA0385 (Eucalyptus urophylla var. platyphylla). The study comprised of four plots composed of 450 plants each, subdivided into nine rows with 50 plants per row with a spacing of 3 × 3 m. Disease incidence was quantified over 1 year. The spatial dynamics of the disease was determined using the dispersion index, a modified Taylor law, and the analysis of the dynamics and structure of foci. For temporal dynamics, the curve of the disease incidence progress was plotted, and the data were analysed by simple linear regression analysis fitted to three empirical models: logistic, monomolecular, and Gompertz. The distribution pattern of Eucalyptus bacterial wilt was random, as confirmed by the Index of dispersion. Analysis of the dynamics and structure of the foci, showed that 69 disease foci occurred, 44 of which were unitary, with an average number of plants per focus of 1.63. Foci had greater length in the direction of the planting line. The epidemics were best described by the monomolecular model, with an estimated incidence of Eucalyptus bacterial wilt of 27.77% in the fourth year of the study. According to the spatiotemporal dynamics of this work, management strategies such as eliminating symptomatic plants and crop renovation can be used based on economic viability.
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