1. Australian Telecommunications Commission (1986 ). ‘National, State and District Profitability Study 1984-85’, in House of Representatives Standing Committee on Expenditure, 175-86.
2. Australian Treasury (1983 ), ‘Public Monopolies: Telecom and Australia Post’, Submission to the Committees of Inquiry into Telecommunications Services and into the Monopoly Positior of the Australian Postal Commission. Reprinted as Treasury Economic Paper No. 10, AGPS, Canberra.
3. J. J. Beggs (1981 ) ‘The Demand for Telephone Services in Australia and the Welfare Implications of Alternative Pricing Policies’. Australian National University, Canberra mimeo.
4. M.E. Beesley (1981 ) ‘Liberalisation of the Use of the British Telecommunications Network’, Report to Secretary of State, Department of Industry. HMSO, London.