1. Oscar Altimir , The Extent of Poverty in Latin America, World Bank Staff Working Paper, No. 522, Washington D.C., The World Bank, 1982 .
2. Oscar Altimir, and Juan Sourrouille , Measuring Levels of Living in Latin America: An Overview of Main Problems, LSMS (Living Standards Measurement Study), Working Paper No. 3, Washington D.C., The World Bank, 1980 .
3. Oscar Altimir , Income Distribution Estimates from Household Surveys and Population Censuses in Latin America-An Assessment of Reliability, joint CEPAL/World Bank Project on Measurement and Analysis of Income Distribution in Latin American Countries (mimeo), Santiago, Chile, 1975 .
4. Oscar Altimir , Un Archivo de Datos Sobre Distribucion del Ingreso Procedentes de Encuestas de Hogares en Paises Latinoamericanos (ECLA/EST. Draft. 1081, 1974 .
5. Joel Bergsman , Income Distribution and Poverty in Mexico, 1963-1977, World Bank Staff Working Paper, No. 395, Washington, The World Bank, 1980 .