1. 1. American Lung Association . Trends in Asthma Morbidity and Mortality, May 2005 . Available at: http://www.lungusa.org/atf/cf/{7A8A42C2-FCCA-46048ADE-7F5D5E762256}/ASTHMA1.pdf. Accessed July 19, 2005 .
2. 2. National Center for Health Statistics . Summary Health Statistics for US Children: National Health Interview Survey, 2003 . Available at: http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/series/sr_10/sr10_223.pdf. Accessed July 19, 2005 .
3. Trends in the cost of illness for asthma in the United States, 1985-1994
4. 4. LY Wang, Y Zhong, and L Wheeler . Direct and Indirect Costs of Asthma in School-Aged Children. Preventing Chronic Disease [serial online] . January 2005. Available at: http://www.cdc.gov/pcd/issues/2005/jan/04_0053.htm. Accessed July 19, 2005 .
5. Reducing asthma morbidity in the community: the effect of a targeted nurse-run asthma clinic in an English general practice