1. Balfour A.1918.Memorandum on Poland Oct. 1918. Parliamentary Archives London. David Lloyd George Papers LG/F/201/1/1.
2. Balfour A.1919.Memorandum on East Galicia 18 June. British Library London. Sir Arthur Balfour Papers Add. 49750 f. 222.
3. Bliss T.1919.Telegram from Paris to Department of State 8 Jan. United States National Archives (USNA). Record Group (RG) 59 860c.48/189.
4. British Empire Delegation.1919a.Minutes of Meeting No. 32 30 May. UK National Archives Kew (UKNA). Foreign Office (FO) 374/22.
5. British Empire Delegation.1919b.Minutes of Meeting No. 34 1 June. UKNA. FO 374/22.