1. 2Id.at 81.
2. 3See id.at 82.
3. 4Hewitt is probably best known toAcademy of Legal Studies in Business(ALSB) members outside of Indiana University as the first Editor-in-Chief of theAmerican Business Law Journal See28AM. BUS. L. J. , 1990 , which was dedicated to Charlie Hewitt. Charlie also served as president of theAmerican Business Law Association, the predecessor organization to theALSB.To those of his colleagues in the Business Law Department at Indiana University, Charlie is probably best remembered as the architect of L506, the core MBALegal Trends and Conceptscourse taught at IU since the middle 1970s. As designed by Hewitt, L506 traces the development of important substantive areas of American law from 1776 to the present. Hewitt's historical model identified five stages of American capitalism: "agrarian," "laissez faire," "regulated," "consumer," and "public interest." He showed persuasively that the American legal system, including the judiciary, was highly responsive to economic, technological, and sociological developments, especially the latter. His analysis demonstrated to students that the substantive law of property, risk distribution, labor regulation, and commerce could all be shown to have undergone watershed transformations at or about 1830, 1900, 1950, and 1970. He urged managers in training to study these dramatic responses of our legal institutions, and be ready to anticipate new ones as part of their managerial decision-making calculus.
4. 5See id..