1. 1. The biological effects of atomic radiation; summary reports . Washington, National Academy of Sciences - National Research Council, 1956 . 108 p.
2. 3. B. O. Lindell, and L. R. Dobson, Ionizing radiation and health ; World Health Organization Public Health Papers No. 6. Geneva, World Health Organization, 1961 . 81 p.
3. 4. Ministry of Health, Department of Health for Scotland, Committee on Radiological Hazards to Patients . Radiological hazards to patients ; second report. London, Her Majesty's Stationary Office, 1960 . 114 p.
4. 5. Medical x-ray protection up to three million volts . National Bureau of Standards , Handbook No. 76. Washington, National Bureau of Standards, 1961 . 52 p.