An open‐source metadataset of running European mid‐ and long‐term agricultural field experiments


Blanchy Guillaume1ORCID,D'Hose Tommy1ORCID,Donmez Cenk23ORCID,Hoffmann Carsten2ORCID,Makoschitz Lisa4,Murugan Rajasekaran5ORCID,O'Sullivan Lilian6ORCID,Sandén Taru4ORCID,Spiegel Heide4ORCID,Svoboda Nikolai2ORCID,Zechmeister‐Boltenstern Sophie5ORCID,Klumpp Katja7ORCID


1. Flanders Research Institute for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (ILVO) Melle Belgium

2. Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF) Muencheberg Germany

3. Cukurova University, Landscape Architecture Department Remote Sensing and GIS Lab Adana Turkey

4. Department for Soil Health and Plant Nutrition Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety (AGES) Vienna Austria

5. Institute of Soil Research, Department of Forest and Soil Sciences University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU) Vienna Austria

6. Teagasc Crops, Environment and Land Use Programme Wexford Ireland

7. Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA) Paris France


AbstractMid‐term (MTEs, 5–20 years) and long‐term (LTEs, 20+ years) field experiments are key sources of information to design future climate‐smart agriculture. Within the European Joint Program SOIL (EJP SOIL), we built the EJP SOIL‐MTE/LTE metadataset that contains metadata from 240 MTEs/LTEs across Europe. Metadata collected included precise descriptions of the treatments (combination of factors such as tillage, crop type/rotation, amendments/fertilizers, grazing and pest/weed management), soil and crop measurements and pedo‐climatic information. Using different figures and dashboards, an overview of those MTEs/LTEs is presented and specific research themes (tillage systems, residue management, amendment type and cover crops) are further analysed within their pedo‐climatic context. An interactive web portal developed in collaboration with the BonaRes project (, enables users to explore the metadataset and find relevant MTEs/LTEs for specific combinations of practices (e.g. all MTEs/LTEs that investigate cover crops on a Cambisol in no‐tillage system). Finally, a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) analysis of the metadataset was carried out to highlight the potential contribution of MTEs/LTEs to a harmonized European soil observation and monitoring approach. We propose that the metadataset could be elaborated with metadata from other existing MTEs/LTEs in Europe or even worldwide.


Horizon 2020 Framework Programme




Pollution,Soil Science,Agronomy and Crop Science

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