Performance Improvement (Pi) score: an algorithm to score Pi objectively during E-BLUS hands-on training sessions. A European Association of Urology, Section of Uro-Technology (ESUT) project


Veneziano Domenico123ORCID,Canova Antonio4,Arnolds Michiel5,Beatty John D.6,Biyani Chandra S.7ORCID,Dehò Federico89,Fiori Cristian10,Hellawell Giles O.11,Langenhuijsen J.F.12,Pini Giovannalberto13ORCID,Rodriguez Faba Oscar14ORCID,Siena Giampaolo15,Skolarikos Andreas16,Tokas Theodoros17,Van Cleynenbreugel Ben S.E.P.18,Wagner Christian19,Tripepi Giovanni20,Somani Bhaskar21,Lima Estevao23


1. Life and Health Sciences Research Institute (ICVS); School of Medicine; University of Minho; Braga Portugal

2. ICVS/3B's, PT Government Associate Laboratory; Braga/Guimarães Portugal

3. Department of Urology and Kidney Transplant; Grande Ospedale Metropolitano; Reggio Calabria Italy

4. Human Resources Management; MBDA Italia SpA; Rome Italy

5. Department of Urology; Gelre Ziekenhuis; Apeldoorn The Netherlands

6. Department of Urology; Leicester General Hospital; University of Leicester; Leicester UK

7. Department of Urology; St James's University Hospital Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust; Leeds UK

8. Department of Urology; San Raffaele Scientific Institute; University Vita-Salute; Milan Italy

9. Division of Oncology/Unit of Urology; URI, IRCCS Ospedale San Raffaele; Milan Italy

10. Department of Oncology; A.O.U. San Luigi Gonzaga; Università degli Studi di Torino; Orbassano Italy

11. North West London Hospitals NHS Trust; Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust; London UK

12. Department of Urology; Radboud University Medical Centre; Nijmegen The Netherlands

13. Department of Urology; Ospedale San Raffaele - Turro; Milano Italy

14. Department of Urology; Fundaciò Puigvert; Barcelona Spain

15. Department of Urology; Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria di Careggi; Firenze Italy

16. Department of Urology; University of Athens; Athens Greece

17. Department of Urology and Andrology; General Hospital Hall i.T.; Hall in Tirol Austria

18. Department of Urology; UZ Leuven; Leuven Belgium

19. Department of Urology and Oncology; St. Antonius-Hospital; Gronau Germany

20. CNR IFC, U.O. of Reggio Calabria; Reggio Calabria Italy

21. Department of Urology; University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust; Southampton UK











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