1. F. Bouchet, and J. M. Audy(1967 ) Trials on weed control in young stands of lucerne and red clover. C. r. 4eme Conf. Com. franc. mauv. Herbes (COLUMA), 323 -335 .
2. F. Bouchet, and J. M. Audy(1967 ) Trials on weed control in established lucerne and red clover. C. r. 4eme Conf. Com. franc. mauv. Herbes (COLUMA), 336 -347 .
3. T. A. Bryant, and H. Andrews(1967 ) Disappearance of diuron, norea, linuron, trifluralin, diphenamid DCPA, and prometryne from the soil. Proc. 20th sth. Weed Conf, 395 -404 .
4. R. J. Clare, and L. J. Matthews(1969 ) Weed control in lucerne. Proc. 22nd N.Z. Weed and Pest Control Conf., 114 -117 .
5. J. Deloraine, and M. Guillot(1967 ) Use of carbetamide and 2,4-DB on young stands of lucerne in the Paris region. C. r. 4eme Conf. Com. franc. mauv. Herbes (COLUMA), 369 -377 .