1. Tea Research Institute Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences Hangzhou China
2. College of Horticulture Nanjing Agricultural University Nanjing China
3. Key Laboratory of Tea Quality and Safety Control Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs Hangzhou China
4. Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences Beijing China
AbstractInsect‐induced plant volatile organic compounds (VOCs) may function as either direct defence molecules to deter insects or indirect defence signals to attract the natural enemies of the invading insects. Tea (Camellia sinensis L.), an important leaf‐based beverage crop, is mainly infested by Ectropis obliqua which causes the most serious damage. Here, we report a mechanistic investigation of tea plant‐derived VOCs in an indirect defence mechanism against E. obliqua. Parasitoid wasp Parapanteles hyposidrae, a natural enemy of E. obliqua, showed strong electrophysiological response and selection behaviour towards S‐linalool and β‐ocimene, two monoterpenes with elevated emission from E. obliqua‐damaged tea plants. Larvae frass of E. obliqua, which also released S‐linalool and β‐ocimene, was found to attract both mated female or male Pa. hyposidrae according to gas chromatography‐electroantennogram detection and Y‐tube olfactometer assays. In a field setting, both S‐linalool and β‐ocimene were effective in recruiting both female and male Pa. hyposidrae wasps. To understand the molecular mechanism of monoterpenes‐mediated indirect defence in tea plants, two novel monoterpene synthase genes, CsLIS and CsOCS‐SCZ, involved in the biosynthesis of S‐linalool or β‐ocimene, respectively, were identified and biochemically characterised. When the expression of these two genes in tea plants was inhibited by antisense oligodeoxynucleotide, both volatile emission and attraction of wasps were reduced. Furthermore, gene expression analysis suggested that the expression of CsLIS and CsOCS‐SCZ is regulated by the jasmonic acid signalling pathway in the tea plant.