1. Australian Rivers Institute Griffith University Nathan Qld Australia
2. Department of Evolution, Ecology and Organismal Biology The Ohio State University Columbus OH USA
3. Department of Anthropology The University of Maroua Maroua Cameroon
4. Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation Seattle WA USA
5. Byrd Polar and Climate Research Center Ohio State University Columbus OH USA
6. Department of Geography Universidad de Concepción Concepción Chile
7. School of Earth Sciences The Ohio State University Columbus OH USA
8. Department of Mathematics The Ohio State University Columbus OH USA
9. Centre d'Appui a la Recherche et au Pastoralisme Maroua Cameroon
10. Association Camerounaise pour l'Education Environnementale Maroua Cameroon
11. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
12. Sahel Institute for Higher Studies The University of Maroua Maroua Cameroon
13. Department of Anthropology The Ohio State University Columbus OH USA