1. Reprint requests to: E. Carwile LeRoy, M. D., Department of Medicine, Medical University fo South Carolina, Charleston, SC 29425.
2. * LeRoy EC, Kahaleh MB, Mecuiro S: A fibroblast mitogen in seleroderma serum: Inhibition by protease inhibitors, submitted, 1982.
3. Kahaleh MB, LeRoy EC: Endothelial injury in seleroderma. II. A protease mechanism, submitted, 1982.
4. Maricq HR, Harper FE, LeRoy EC: A prospective study of Raynaud phenomenon and early connective tissue disease: Microvascular abnormalities. Submitted, 1982.
5. LeRoy EC: Systemic sclerosis, Texbook of Rheumatology. Edited by WN Kelley, ED Harris Jr, S Ruddy, CB Sledge, Philadelphia, WB Saunders Co., 1981, pp. 1211-1230