1. 1H.B. Weiser , Colloid Chemistry , 2d ed. , Chapter 17. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1949 . 440 pp.
2. 2J.Th.G. Overbeek, and H.R. Kruyt , "Specific Effects of Flocculating Ions"; pp.310-18 in Colloid Science: Vol. 1, Irreversible Systems . Edited byElsevier Publishing Co., Inc, Houston, 1952 . 389 VD.; Ceram. Abstr., 1953, September, p. 169i.
3. 3H.G. Bungenberg, DE Jong, and H.R. Kruyt , "Reversal of Charge Phenomena in Mixtures of Colloids"; pp. 321-34 in Colloid Science: Vol.11, Reversible Systems . Edited byElsevier Publishing Co., Inc., New York, 1949 . 753 pp.; Cerum. Abstr., 1951, May, p. 95i.
4. 5R.K. Iler , Colloidal Chemistry of Silica and Silicates , Chapter VIII. Cornell University Press, Ithaca, New York, 1955 . 324 pp,Ceram. Abstr., 1956, May, p. 107g.