1. 1E. C. Marboe, and W. A. Weyl , "Determination of Mechanism of Fining and Homogenizing of Container Glasses," Research Rept . to Glass Container Industry Research Corp., State College, PA, Nov. 1973 .
2. 2A. K. Lyle ; pp.93 -102 in Proceedings of IVth International Congress on Glass, Paris, July 2-7, 1956. Imprimerie Chaix, Paris, 1957 .
3. 3W. A. Weyland, and E. C. Marboe , The Constitution of Glasses: A Dynamic Interpretation , Vol. I : pp.139 -43 . John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1962 .
4. 4J. Frenkel , Kinetic Theory of Liquids ; pp.382 -90 . Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1946 .
5. 5E. V. Podushko, A. B. Kozlova, and E. A. Porai-Koshits ; pp.77 -82 inThe Structure of Glass , Vol. 3 . Consultants Bureau, New York, 1964 .