1. 2J. Novak, and I. J. Hastings , "Post-Irradiation Behaviour of Defected UO2Fuel Elements in Air at 22O250C; Proceedings of the NRC Workshop on Spent Fuel/Cladding Reaction During Dry Storage, Gai'hersburg, MD, Aug. 1718, 1983 , NUREG/CP0049, p. 1 plus Appendix A-l (1984); also Tech. Rett. AECL8182, Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, 1983 .
2. Postirradiation Behavior of UO2Fuel I: Elements at 220 to 250°C in Air
3. 4I. J. Hastings, D. McCracken, J. Novak, and K. Nash , "Behaviour in Air at 175400C of Irradiated UO2Fuel "; presented at the International Workshop on Irradiated Fuel Storage: Operating Experience and Development Programs, Toronto, Ontario, Oct. 1718, 1984; also Tech. Rept. AECL8562, Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, 1984 .
4. Postirradiation Dimensional Stability and Fission Product Behavior of Deliberately Defected UO2Fuel at 200 and 400°C