1. 1A. E. Ringwood, and S. E. Kesson , "Immobilization of High-Level Wastes in Synroc Titanate Ceramic ," p.174 inCeramics in Nuclear Waste Management. U.S. Department of Energy Rept. No. CONF-790420, 1979 .
2. 2R. J. H. Clark , The Chemistry of Titanium and Vanadium; p.88 . Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1968 .
3. 3M. Codell , Analytical Chemistry of Titanium Metals and Compounds : p.11 . Interscience, New York, 1959 .
4. 4W. M. Latimer , Oxidation Potentials . 2nd ed. p.269 . Prentice-Hall, New York, 1952 .
5. 5M. Pourbaix , Atlas of Electrochemical Equilibria in Aqueous Solution : p.216 . Pergamon, New York, 1966 .