1. (a) A. C. D. Chaklader, and S. Das Gupta, "In-situ Production of Silicon Carbide Reinforced Ceramic Composites, " U.S. Pat. No. 5011 799, 1991 .
2. (b) A. C. D. Chaklader, E. C. Y. Lin, and S. Das Gupta, "AlOSiC Composites Using Aluminosilicate (Natural and Synthetic) Precursors"; presented at the 44th Pacific Coast Regional Meeting of the American Ceramic Society, San Diego, CA, Oct. 31Nov. 2, 1991.
3. Toughening of Ceramics by Whisker Reinforcement
4. (a) K. Niihara, A. Nakahira, T. Uchiyama, and T. Hirai, "High-Temperature Mechanical Properties of AlO/SiC Composites"; see Ref. 3, pp.103 16 .