1. 1W. J. Lackey, D.P. Stinson, G.A. Cerny, L.L. Fehrenbacher, and A.C. Schaffhauser , "Ceramic Coatings for Heat Engine Materials-Status and Future Needs ," ORNLiTM-8959, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN. 1985 .
2. Degradation Mechanisms in Thermal-Barrier Coatings
3. 3R.J. Stokes , "Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Ceramics ." Associated Document No. 407614 of U.S. Defense Technical Information Center, Honey-well Research Center, Hopking, MN1963 .
4. 4D.G. Moore, A.G. Evbanks, H.R. Thornton, W.D. Wayes, and A.W. Crigler , "Studies of the Particle Impact Process for Applying Ceramic and Cermet Coatings ," Associated Document No. 266381 of U.S. Defense Technical Information Center, National Bureau of Standards, Washington, DC, Aug. 1961 .