1. 2 E. O. Speidel and D. L. Keller , “Fabrication and Properties of Hot-Pressed Uranium Mononitride,” Tech. Rept. BMI-1633, 67 pp., May 30, 1963.
2. 3 R. W. Endebrock , E. L. Foster, Jr. , and D. L. Keller , “Preparation and Properties of Cast UN,” Tech. Rept. BMI-1690; EURAEC-1206, 24 pp., August 28, 1964.
3. 4 B. A. Hayes and M. A. DeCrescente , “Thermal Conductivity and Electrical Resistivity of Uranium Mononitride,” Tech. Rept. PWAC-481, Contract AT(30-1)-2789, 21 pp., October 1965.
4. 5 R. A. Potter and V. D. Frechette , Metals and Ceramics Division, ORNL; private communication, June 1968.