1. 1O. V. Mazurin, A. S. Totesh, M. V. Streltsina, and T. P. Shvaiko-Shvaikovskaya; p. 184 inThermal Expansion of Glasses . Nauka Press, Leningrad, U. S. S. R., 1969 .
2. Calculation of thermal expansion coefficient of glasses
3. 3For example: (a)Z. U. Borisova, O. V. Illinskaya; R. L. Myuller, and Z. U. Borisova p. 154 inSolid State Chemistry . Consultants Bureau, New York, 1966 .
4. (b)T. P. Markova, and Z. U. Borisova; p. 237 in Ref. 3(a).
5. (c)Z. U. Borisova, O. V. Illinskaya, and Chin Chang ; p. 253 in Ref. 3(a).