1. 1Bibliographies of primary source literature on growth of various crystal systems are given in:
2. 1(a) R. A. Laudise, and J. J. Gilman ; pp.231 -51 inArt and Science of Growing Crystals . Edited by. John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, 1963 .
3. 1(b) E. A. D. White, Hans B. Jonasson, and Arnold Weissberger ; pp.31 -64 inTechnique of Inorganic Chemistry , Vol. IV . Edited by. Interscience Publishers, New York, 1965 .
4. Molten‐Salt Vaporization Methods for Growing Some Single Crystals of Refractory Oxides
5. Growth of Large Optical-Quality Yttrium and Rare-Earth Aluminum Garnets