1. Proof-testing of hot-pressed silicon nitride
2. 2D.D. Cuhicciotti, R. L. Jones, K. H. Lau, and D.J. Rowcliffe , "High Temperature Oxidation and Mechanical Properties of Silicon Nitride ," Interim Scientific Report 5522-2. Prepared for Air Force Office of Scientific Research/NE, SRI International, November 15, 1978 .
3. 4N. J. Tighe, and S. M. Wiederhorn , "Effects of Exposure on the Reliability of Silicon Nitride ," National Bureau of Standards Interim Report 81-2445, December1981 ; pp.170 -90 .
4. 5N. J. Tighe , "Effects of Oxidation on the Surface and Near-Surface Structure of Silicon Nitride "; to be published in theJournal of Materials Science.