1. 1H. Gersch, and K. Styhr , "Ceramic Components for Automotive Gas nrbine Engines," Eighteenth Automotive Technology Development Contractors Coordination Meeting , 1980 , CONF 801182, Dearborn, MI (U.S. Department of Energy, Washington, 1981).
2. 2C.L. Quakenbush, K. French, and J. Neil , "Fabrication of Sinterable Silicon Nitride by Injection Molding," Nineteenth Automotive Technology Development Contractors Coordination Meeting , 1981 , CONF 811090, Dearborn, MI (U.S. Department of Energy, Washington, 1982).
3. Hot-Pressed Si3N4
4. 4K. H. Jack , "The Role of Additives in the Densification of Nitrogen Ceramics ." Final Tech. Rep., Grant No. DAERO-76-G-067, European Research Office, United States Army (1977 ).
5. Hot-Pressing and Oxidation Behavior of Silicon Nitride with Ceria Additive