1. 1R. W. Vest , "Conduction Mechanisms in Thick-Film Microcircuits," Final Tech. Rept., Purdue Research Foundation, Grant Nos. DAHC-15-70-G7 and DAHC-15-73-G8, ARPA Order No. 1642 , 1975 .
2. 2P. Palanisamy , "Influences of Substrate on Micro-structure Development in Thick-Film Resistors "; Ph. D. Thesis . Purdue University, 1979 .
3. 3D.H. R. Sarma , "Microstructure Development Processes in RuOGlass Thick Film Resistors "; Ph. D. Thesis . Purdue Uzversity, 1982 .
4. SEM investigations of iron surface ion erosion as a function of specimen temperature and incidence angle