1. Photochromic Silicate Glasses Sensitized by Silver Halides
2. 2G. P. Smith ; Paper No. 108, 9 pp.(in English) in Proceedings of VIIth International Glass Congress, Brussels, 1965 , Vol. 1 . Institut National du Verre, Charleroi and Federation de L'industrie du Verre, Brussels, 1966 .
3. 3J. J. Hammel, T. E. McGary, J. W. Mitchell, R. C. DeVries, R. W. Roberts, and P. Cannon ; pp.695 -705 inReactivity of Solids. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1969 .
4. Phototropic Glass
5. Application of ion sputtering in preparing glasses and their surface layers for electron microscope investigations