1. Yozgat Bozok University Divanlı Road Yozgat 66900 Turkey
AbstractThis study investigated the calcareous nannofossil assemblages in detail from the early Miocene aged Lice Formation outcropping in the Kahramanmaraş basin. The biostratigraphy of calcareous nannofossils was outlined and paleoenvironmental features determined. In 81 samples taken from three measured sections in the region, 17 calcareous nannofossil genus and 48 nannofossil species were identified. These calcareous nannofossil genus and species identified the Lice Formation as being in the CNM4 nannofossil biozone. The abundance and diversity of early Miocene calcareous nannofossil species varied in the measured sections, with the samples generally moderate‐poor, apart from a few samples. The relative abundance of individuals of Cyclicargolithus floridanus, Coccolithus pelagicus, Reticulofenestra hagii and Sphenolithus moriformis species, with paleoecological importance identified in the study region, indicate that in early Miocene times, the basin in which the Lice Formation deposited was meso‐eutrophic with excess nutrient input, temperate and generally stable shallow marine conditions.