Phylogenomics of the geometrid tribe Palyadini (Lepidoptera: Geometridae) reveals contrasting patterns of phylogenetic signal in wing colour characters


Joele Flávia R.12,Dias Filho Manoel M.3,Jasso‐Martínez Jovana M.45,Garzón‐Orduña Ivonne J.1ORCID


1. Laboratorio de Sistemática de Polillas, Departamento de Zoología, Colección Nacional de Insectos, Instituto de Biología Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) Cto. Zona Deportiva S/N, C.U. Coyocan. CDMX 04510 Mexico

2. Posgrado en Ciencias Biológicas Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México Edificio D, 1° Piso. Circuito de Posgrados, CU. Coyoacan CDMX 04510 Mexico

3. Departamento de Ecologia e Biologia Evolutiva Universidade Federal de São Carlos Rod. Washington Luís, s/n ‐ Monjolinho. Sao Carlos 13565‐905 Brazil

4. Departamento de Zoología Colección Nacional de Insectos Instituto de Biología, UNAM Cto. Zona Deportiva S/N, C.U. Coyocan. CDMX 04510 Mexico

5. Department of Entomology, Smithsonian Institution National Museum of Natural History Washington DC 20560 USA


AbstractNext generation sequencing techniques currently represent a practical and efficient way to infer robust evolutionary hypotheses. Palyadini is a small Neotropical tribe of geometrid moths composed of six genera that feature strikingly colourful wings. Here, we investigated patterns of evolution and amount of phylogenetic signal contained in various colour characters featured in the wings of members of this tribe by (i) inferring a robust phylogenetic hypothesis using ultraconserved elements (UCEs), and afterwards, (ii) mapping the morphological characters onto the molecular topology under a parsimonious ancestral character optimization. Our matrix, obtained with 60% completeness, includes 754 UCE loci and 73 taxa (64 ingroup, nine outgroup). Maximum likelihood and parsimony generated largely identical topologies with strongly supported nodes, except for one node inside the genus Opisthoxia. According to our topology, most wing colour characters are reconstructed as homoplastic, particularly at the tribe level, but five of the seven provide evidence supporting common ancestry at the genus level. Our results emphasize, once again, that no character system is infallible, and that more research is necessary to take our understanding of the evolution of wing colour in moths to a level comparable with the knowledge we have for butterflies.









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